boilerbutterfly's Articles » Page 2
February 2, 2005 by boilerbutterfly
Today all thirteen of the people who wanted to become group leaders faced the class today. Our job was to evaluate each of them. Kinda felt bad for them since they had no clue what was going on and who knows what Feinberg can construct to embaress them! So each of stands on the stage and is asked "why should we follow you." How entertaining. They had no idea what to say. Every one of their answers was reitterated, one after the other. I felt like I was wasting my time. But as I was wr...
February 2, 2005 by boilerbutterfly
Last Wednesday's leadership class we finished watching REMEMBER THE TITANS. Afterwards, Feinberg tells us if we want to be a group leader we need to come to the front immediately. Thirteen people went up front and he says, "These are the group leaders. You will never have another chance to be a leader in this class." I love the fact that he did that. Probably not to be a hardass, but leadership is kind of that way. If you don't take advantage of the situation when it's there, it's going...