January 31, 2005
Published on February 2, 2005 By boilerbutterfly In Misc
Today all thirteen of the people who wanted to become group leaders faced the class today. Our job was to evaluate each of them. Kinda felt bad for them since they had no clue what was going on and who knows what Feinberg can construct to embaress them! So each of stands on the stage and is asked "why should we follow you." How entertaining. They had no idea what to say. Every one of their answers was reitterated, one after the other. I felt like I was wasting my time. But as I was writing this, I realized that it wasn't a waste. These people, for whatever reason, actually wanted to lead us. They had more initiative than I did last Wednesday to get up and go to the front. Basically, today I learned that leadership is HARD and probably incredibly discouraging. But rewarding. The leaders were incredibly confused about their task but in the end, they all got to be leaders. And we aren't, and in this class, we never will be. So maybe what we are supposed to learn is that leadership will never be simple and easy, but in the end you will be glad that you made the extra effort.
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