March 30, 2005
Published on March 31, 2005 By boilerbutterfly In Misc
Today in class we watched a series of video clips on leadership roles and how upper management deals with their employees. There was one on a sausage factory, a Harley Davidson plant, and a school principal. All very different but yet still require important leadership roles in each of them. The people in these videos were extraordinary people who were no different than you and I but had the skills and training that turned them into good leaders. It's amazing what a little bit of leadership and ambition can do to an organization. Our team came up with some good reasons for leadership that we pulled out of the videos. I really like the way our team works together and, even though there are so many of us, we always accomplish our tasks and usually agree on the things that we say and do. Teamwork is so important in having a successful class. We have a great leader who really wants to see us succeed and do well in life and this class. I feel like 309 has made me more open about doing things during groupwork and hope that I have more chances this semester to act as a leader!
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