March 21, 2005
Published on March 30, 2005 By boilerbutterfly In Misc
Lecture today was all about listening and the effect is has on communication. I never realized how important listening can be in an organization or group. If one person isn't paying attention, or hearing everything clearly, it can effect the whole group. Dr. Feinberg stated, "We have 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason; because listening is twice as important as talking!! I had never actually pondered about listening until after class. When we did the exercise where we had to draw the squares but couldn't ask questions (1-way communication), it was so much harder for us to understand. I never thought about the value of being able to communicate two ways until we weren't able to. Almost everyone got the drawing right the second time, when we were allowed to ask questions. Active listening is important because without it, things will get completed in the wrong way, or maybe not at all. By using constant 'question and answer,' people are able to effectively communicate and complete the task at hand. It can even be used in life's relationships, with partners or friends. I have experienced time and time again the effects of when someone doesn't listen to you and it turns it into a bad situation. People get mad or upset because they want to be heard but if no one is listening, then they can't be heard and it is sooooo frustrating. Listening actively is key to keeping relationships up and running!! "
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