March 7, 2005
Published on March 28, 2005 By boilerbutterfly In Misc
There are five easy steps to leadership according to Dr. Feinberg. They all make sense to me, like most of the shit he says. (Even though I hate to admit it.) He says that all we need to do is tell our team members what we expect out of them, make sure its 'doable,' reward them, give them feedback, reward them again when the task is completed. I'd have to say that this is a fairly good philosophy. A team member is going to be more receptive and understand better if you tell them EXACTLY what is expected of them. Sometimes when people are confused they will just choose to not complete the task at all or even worse, complete the task wrong. A 'doable' task is equally as important because if the task is nearly impossible to complete, no one on your team is even going to want to try and acheive the task. Rewarding your team is also productive because then they realize that you can see the work they have put into acheiving the goal at hand. Giving them feedback is necessary because the group will not always perform perfectly and a little bit of constructive criticism can go a long way. Once it's over, a final reward ensures that everyone is happy and knows that you (the leader) appreciate all of their hard work!
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