March 2, 2005
Published on March 28, 2005 By boilerbutterfly In Misc
It's a hard question to know what, when, and whom needs delegation. Dr. Feinberg says we should search for someone powerful and ask them what you can take off of their plate. If a leader could never delegate, he would have so much to take care of that he would never even be able to sleep. Granting responsibility to someone can also let people learn from you. I could also minimize my habit to procrastinate so badly. Dr. Feinberg suggested some good tips that might help if I can acutally learn to use them. If I use a journal it might help or maybe tell my friends to help me remember and not to get sidetracked. The only thing is, my friends are excellent at procrastination as well. I guess maybe if I handle the worst things first it might make me realize that the things I have left to do aren't really that bad. I'm glad Dr. Feinberg brought this up in class though because I really need to get a handle on my time management skills and maybe these techniques might help me. I'm always willing to work hard to achieve my goals and I want this to be one of them.

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