February 9, 2005
Published on February 16, 2005 By boilerbutterfly In Misc
I love the way Feinberg incorporates the humorous clips into class. Not only do I get to laugh, it keeps me from passing out for an hour and 15 like every other class at this university. The Budweiser clips are classic, not only because yeah that's my favorite beer, but because they actually do have a point that deals with this class: any person, small or large, has the ability to make an impact on the world. The donkey knew what he wanted his entire life and he was hell bent on getting it, and that's exactly what he did. Feinberg cracks me up when he watches the American Idol clips because you can tell it's just utter disbelief that someone has told these terrible musicians that they are actually good at singing. I myself can't believe it either but it's more fun watching Dr. Feinberg because his expressions are so comical. But really, why in the hell would you let your friend or loved one go on national television and embaress themselves like that? It makes me feel like Americans are just plain retarded. I'm sure that most of the people that try out are good at at least one thing that doesn't involve singing, why wouldn't someone push you towards that instead of something you obviously sucked at? There's no way they think that this person is good; it's just not sane. A good friend would never do that to someone. Sometimes the truth hurts, so what!? There are a billion people who can't sing, I'm one of them, what makes them think that they could make it to the top? Stupid people deserve what they get, that's why I love Feinberg's attitude towards leadership, people should just know!
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