February 7, 2005
Published on February 16, 2005 By boilerbutterfly In Misc
So, I've decided Nate's a pretty good guy to have as our group leader. Over the weekend, while I was at Mardi Gras, he's working on ways to construct our tower that I didn't even know we had to do until Monday morning when I got home. By the time I emailed him back to offer to help, some of the group had already met and decided what materials to use and what our tower would look like. Talk about feeling like an ass, I'm in Louisiana and my group is at home working on our project that we are supposed to do together. Granted, Dr. Feinberg didn't give us much time to think about it because by the time Nate had emailed us about the assigment, I was gone for the weekend. However, many other members were gone as well and I still felt that our tower was one of the best constructed in class that day. It amazes me just how well 20 people can work together if they put their mind to it and are led with authority but given the chance to be creative as well. Nate and the boys built the tower (I guess that's just what men do) and us girls made all the dazzling signage and thought about ways to make our tower stand out. At the end, the entire group was pretty convinced that we were going to have the winning tower, sometimes things just don't work out. I think the best part about the entire assignment was that when I got home I had an email from my group leader telling us how proud he was of each one of us. That's what makes me think he's a great leader. You win some, you lose some. That's how life goes. This semester we're in for a very successful class if we keep up the energy and enthusiasm that we had today.
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